- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s





Occupational Education building (OE2) renovated
Solar farm opened
Old Library demolished
President Dr. Cheryl Marshall

Maintenance & Operations (M&O pad) renovated
Krasovec Simulation Center named with one million dollar endowment to support the simulation program.
Henry Stone STEM Success Center named with endowment of $100,000 to support activities in STEM.
Dr. Daniel Bahner Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning named with endowment in the amount of $25,000 to support professional development and scholarship for an honors student.
Betty Byron Memorial Atrium named with endowment of $25,000 to support textbooks for check out in the library.
President Dr. Wei Zhou
Ground floor of LADM renovated for Veterans’ Center
Student Services Administration (SSA) renovated for faculty offices and renamed Clock Tower Building
Measure CC passed by voters at $470 M
Interim President Dr. Audre Levy
Demolish: Old Finkelstein Performing Arts Center (PAC), Occupational Education 1 (Art), Central Complex 2 (old cafeteria), East Classroom Building. Add new Performing Arts Center, Instruction Building, Gym, Soccer Field and renovate CDC, SSB, CHL, CNTL 2
Add: new Performing Arts Center, Instruction Building, Gym, Soccer Field. Renovate CDC, SSB, CHL, CNTL 2